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Thursday, May 21, 2020

Coronavirus live news: Trump pushes to open churches as Brazil death toll passes 20,000

President appears at Michigan factory without mask; Italy death toll could be 60% higher than assumed; Russia industrial output falls 6.6% in April. Follow the latest updates

Brazil has had another terrible day with coronavirus figures passing the 20,000 Covid-19 deaths, as the Guardian’s Latin America correspondent, Tom Philips, reports:

Brazil has just passed another grim coronavirus milestone, with more than 20,000 deaths from Covid-19 now officially confirmed here.

On Thursday evening Brazil’s health ministry announced a daily record of 1,188 deaths confirmed in the last 24 hours, taking the total number of officially recorded deaths to 20,047.

Brazil also confirmed another 18,508 infections, taking the total number to 310,087. That is the third highest number in the world, after the US and Russia.

It’s been another controversial day in the US for President Trump, who visited a Ford plant in the crucial battle state of Michigan.

Trump toured the Ford plant, which has been recast to produce ventilators and personal protective equipment, without wearing a face mask in front of TV cameras. This was despite Ford on Tuesday reiterated its policy that all visitors must wear them.

Trump starts his tour of Ford’s Rawsonville Plant with four executives in face masks. He isn’t wearing one.

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