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Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Coronavirus live news: six US states see record hospital patients; Facebook deletes Trump post

Brazil sees highest cases in almost a month; Facebook and Twitter take action against Trump for suggesting that Covid-19 was just like the flu; Italy to require masks indoors. Follow the latest updates

AP is reporting that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden says there should not be a presidential debate next week if Trump still has coronavirus:

HAGERSTOWN, Md. (AP) — Biden says 'we shouldn't have debate' next week if Trump still has coronavirus.

Stephen Miller testing positive for coronavirus places greater pressure on vice president Mike Pence to justify not quarantining.

As Bloomberg’s Jennifer Jacobs (who broke the story that Hope Hicks had tested positive) points out, Katie Miller – Pence’s press secretary and Stephen Miller’s wife – flew to Utah with Pence.

Pence, who is scheduled to debate Kamala Harris tomorrow night, "does not need to quarantine" and can go about his normal activities, Dr. Schonau says.

Stephen Miller's wife flew out to Utah with the VP.

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