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Saturday, December 17, 2022

Australia live news update: FA investigates ‘shameful’ Melbourne derby fans; recalled spinach ‘from a single source’

Sport governing body FA says ‘such behaviour has no place in Australian football’

Keats stresses the club is “bigger than a group of fans that did the wrong thing”.

She says that the excitement over the World Cup and the Women’s World Cup shows the sport has a future in Australia and the club wants to be part of that but “what is important is how we deal with the appalling behaviour that happened last night and stamp that out of our game.”

I think it would be better if we weren’t throwing flares onto the pitch in the first place and that wouldn’t have occurred. As I said, I don’t - maybe it was a little bit silly on Tom’s behalf, but there is no defending what happened last night in any way, shape or form.

We are devastated about the club. This isn’t the sort of press we want to be have around our game. We want to be talking about how wonderful it is and how exciting and fantastic and to be doing that following a Melbourne Derby which is meant to be an amazing spectacle of football is devastating.

This is a group that we don’t condone the behaviour of and we don’t want at our club.

But there are a lot of fans and members of Melbourne Victory that do the right thing, and they turn up and support the boys and girls, and we stand as one with those fans.

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